Relax & Rewire Retreat

Would you like to get away for a while, reconnect with yourself, and invest in yourself while resetting your life? Then this retreat-style training is the ideal solution for you! In the stunning surroundings of Tanzania, you will learn to work with your body and mindset. You'll discover the world of 'mBIT': multiple brains integration techniques. This intersection of the latest neuroscience and ancient wisdom traditions brings you to the realm of your multiple intelligences: your head, heart, and gut. In this training, you will learn powerful techniques to bring about real transformations - to rewire yourself. You will make the journey from your head to your heart, from thinking to feeling. You will also learn to work with your gut brain, where you discover the power to take action and step through your limiting beliefs. This week is all about truly choosing yourself. Due to the change in environment, new perspectives, and insights, you will return home more empowered and in touch with yourself, ready to integrate and apply your insights into your life.


The Location

The intimate retreat location for this training is a true hidden gem at the foot of Mount Meru. The lodge is located on the edge of Arusha in an ancient Acacia and Migunga forest. In this breathtaking garden, beautiful bandas and rooms are tucked away, offering great comfort and peace. It is in this 'Garden of Eden' where you will experience a heavenly adventure, truly unwind, and develop new skills. You won't have to think about anything, as everything is fully taken care of. Loving care and delicious meals are waiting for you. This experience involves waking up every day to the sounds of nature and reflecting on all the impressions in the evening as you gaze into the flames of the campfire...


The Program

The Relax & Rewire program is a week-long program. 

- Day 1:Travel day to Kilimanjaro, airport pickup to the retreat, overnight stay at the retreat location.

- Days 2-5: mBIT group training at the retreat location.

- Days 6-8: Rest days at the retreat with the option of massages, relaxation by the pool, and excursions in the area. On the day of departure, you will be taken to the airport for your flight home.


Excursions in the area include: a day tour of Arusha, a visit to one of the national parks for a safari, visiting the Maasai, visiting the Hot Springs, or taking a scenic hike to the waterfall. Prices are available upon request. It is also possible to book a cacao ceremony, energy treatment, or reading. 


This program includes:

- mBIT Coach Training and Certification (in English)

- 7 days full-board accommodation in a 4* boutique hotel

- Airport transfers

*Excludes flights, visa, drinks, personal expenses, massages, tips, and excursions in the area.


The price for this retreat is €2499,-  

See the agenda for the next 'Relax & Rewire Retreat'. 


Relax Rewire Retreat Brochure Pdf
PDF – 3,8 MB

An 8-day retreat program where you truly reconnect with yourself, deepening the intelligences of your heart, head, and gut. You will experience a complete reset by neurologically reconnecting with yourself. You will stay in the delightful garden of a boutique lodge in beautiful Arusha at the foot of Mount Meru, where you will be fully taken care of and only need to enjoy! You will also receive an mBIT Coach certification.


- mBIT Coach Training and Certification (in English)

- 7 days full-board accommodation in a 4* boutique hotel

- Airport transfers

*Excludes flights, visa, drinks, personal expenses, massages, tips, and excursions in the area.