Soul Experiences in the Akasha Field

With Akasha Soul Experiences, we step into the Akasha Field for deep transformation. The Akasha is an energetic dimension, a sort of library, where all information on life experiences of all souls from the past, present, and future come together. The existence of this cosmic, collective field is scientifically proven, and access to this Field enables connections on deeper levels. Experiences with the Akashic dimension help you take responsibility for your life and take steps on the path that leads to coming home to yourself, to who you truly are. Through Akasha readings, healings, and the various paths I offer, higher healing frequencies enter your life, and you walk your path toward transformation and awareness.

Akasha Reading

In this session, we connect with the Akashic Field to 'read' from your 'life book' or soul experiences and share the insights. You will receive an audio recording of this reading to listen to multiple times, allowing the frequency of the reading to integrate into your system. These readings can cover various themes such as work, relationships, soul purpose, and ancestors.


Akasha Business Reading

In this themed reading, we emphasize your business and the information and insights the Akashic Field holds for its growth. We connect your business, yourself as an individual, and the wealth of soul experiences stored in the Akashic Field. With the acquired insights and clarity, you can take the next steps in your business for more success, alignment, and energy.


Akasha Healing

This remote energetic healing helps you heal aspects of your system with the energy from the Akashic Field. This treatment lasts about an hour, and afterward, we will discuss what you experienced and any messages you received. It is a very powerful energetic treatment because the energy from the Akashic Field is of a very high frequency.


Soul Experiences from the Akashic Records for more insight, healing and transformation. 

Akasha Soul Experience Coaching Programs

Path of Insight


On the 'Path of Insight,' we connect with the Akashic Field in a 3-week program to gain insights into different areas of your life, such as work or relationships, as well as more spiritual themes like soul purpose, past lives, or ancestors. This path is individual and conducted remotely via phone or WhatsApp in English or Dutch.


Path of Insight Program:


Week 1:   Soul Call – What insights do I need?

Week 2:  Soul Reading – Receiving insights into your system.

Week 3:  Soul Coaching – How do I further integrate the insights into my life?


Path of Insight


Path of Insight


3-week Akashic Records Coaching Program

Path of Breakthrough


The 'Path of Breakthrough' is a 3-month program designed to achieve breakthroughs in areas such as work, relationships, and soul purpose so that you experience more clarity, peace, and space in your life. This is an individual, unique, and personal path guided remotely in English or Dutch. At the end of this Path:


- You have received multiple layers of insights through Akasha Readings, allowing you to recognize and break patterns.

- You have released what no longer serves you and created space for the new through Akasha Healing and a Fire Ceremony.

- You have activated strengths, talents, and wisdom within yourself with Soul Retrieval and can apply these in your life.

- You have learned how to work with the language of the Universe.

Path of Breakthrough


Path of Breakthrough


3-month Coaching Program based on working in the Akashic Records, soul retrieval, shamanism, fire ceremony, and intuitive skill building.

excl. VAT 

Path of Self-Love


This 3-month path brings you to a renewed experience of Self-Love. You will experience what Self-Acceptance feels like and how you can support your Deepest Self. We connect with the wisdom of your soul by delving deeper into insights from the Akashic Field and the wisdom of your own heart and gut. Through this awareness, deep healing and transformation occur. You will take an inner deep dive, transforming your ‘sacred’ wounds into Self-Love. You will experience the integrated wisdom of your heart, mind, and gut. Through my alignment with the Akashic Field and your life path, I generate a personally attuned, exclusive Path of Self-Love, which I guide via Zoom, phone, and WhatsApp. At the end of this Path:


- You will have begun transforming your 'Sacred Wounds' to serve as portals for personal and spiritual growth.

-You will have experienced what aligning the wisdom of your heart, gut, and mind does for you and what this means in practice.

- You will experience more Self-Love and Self-Acceptance and know how to develop these further in your life.


After this special Path, you will have experienced, healed, and transformed so many new layers of insight, wisdom, and love within yourself that it leads to a lasting change. You will have a solid foundation of Self-Love for the rest of your life.

Path of Self-Love


Path of Self-Love


3-month customized personal coaching VIP Package based on work in the Akashic Records, intuitive aligment and high frequency attunements. 

Akashic Leadership

You can also discover the Akasha-Field through the Akashic Leadership Programme, which strengthens your intuitive leadership to lead in alignment with the Field of Infinite Wisdom.

Reviews Soul Experiences



"At one point, I read about the Path of Breakthrough on Cindy's website. It resonated with me immediately, so I wrote to her expressing my interest in undertaking this journey. And wow, what an incredibly beautiful path I've been able to walk. Without going too much into detail, Cindy has helped me gain so much clarity and enlightenment. To be clear, she is a resource and helps guide you on your way; you truly do the 'work' yourself. She is a pillar of support before, during, and even after the journey. I highly recommend this to anyone who is facing any struggles! Once again, it is a wonderful path, but not the easiest. Be prepared to do the 'work' that lies ahead of you, as you won't always know what it will be.

I have now done several programs with Cindy and can highly recommend her for everything she offers. Cindy is an amazing woman with a wealth of resources that guide her in helping you in the best way possible. Wherever you are on your path."

- Olaf M.

"From the moment I heard Cindy's voice, it felt right for me. Her alignment is gentle, pure, loving, sincere, and safe. I have walked both the Path of Insight and the Path of Breakthrough under Cindy's loving guidance. I came to Cindy because I felt I was stagnating in further growing my bodywork practice. By walking these paths and receiving the special readings, it became clear to me that I needed to fully step into my soul mission, fully embody it, and fully say YES to it. This was and is an incredibly special path that I have been able to walk with Cindy's guidance. Truly very special and valuable.

At times, I ran into myself and was confronted with my resistance, impatience, discomfort, frustration, etc. In this process, Cindy guided me with great patience, allowing me to transform these into fertile ground, from stagnation to flow.

Dear Cindy, I am grateful for your belief in me and how you have shown me and made me feel something valuable and beautiful within myself. Sometimes it still feels unreal, but through your readings and the insights I felt, I know it is true, and I have the courage to go for it!"

- Moibe C.

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